Become a Corporate Partner


It all started when…

“And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country.”
— John F. Kennedy

Corporate Partnership

Partnering with Mentor U Connect means your company and your employees become an integral part of our mission, which seeks to empower students with both the academic and social-emotional skills necessary to succeed in college and beyond. Breaking the barriers of the social determined of student success which are poverty, illiteracy and the opportunity gap, all linked to degree attainment (high school or a college diploma).

Whether is a financial contribution, or you company would like immerse in our misison by becoming a mentor / role model, share your expriences and skills, share your stories (challenges / stebacks) or offer our students interships opportunities; you will help us make a positive impact in our community, our city and our state.